The Difference Between British And American English: A Guide For Learners

British vs American English, what’s the difference? Explore key differences in spelling, vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar.

Sherzod Gafar
March 7, 2025
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The Difference Between British And American English: A Guide For Learners

English is one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world, but English is not the same everywhere. When learners start studying English, one of the most significant differences they find is between British and American English. These two varieties differ in spelling, vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar rules. 

And for learners, appreciating these similarities can be a little perplexing, but helpful when living, studying, or working in an English-speaking nation. 

This guide will simplify the major differences between British and American English and get you feeling more comfortable with your language learning experience.

1. Spelling Differences

Spelling is one of the most apparent differences between British and American English. Some of these differences stem from historical decisions by Noah Webster, an American lexicographer, in his effort to simplify English spelling in the early 19th century.

Some common spelling variations for that are:

British English American English
Colour Color
Favourite Favorite
Honour Honor
Theatre Theater
Centre Center
Travelling Traveling
Defence Defense
Licence (noun) License (noun)
Organise Organize
Realise Realize
Dialogue Dialog
Mum Mom
Jewellery Jewelry
Programme (TV/show) Program (TV/show)

Key patterns

  • British English often retains the -our ending, while American English simplifies it to -or (e.g., colour → color).
  • There are -re endings in British English, whereas there are -er endings in American English (centre → center, etc.). 
  • In British English, we keep the double ‘l’ in words like “travelling” and use a double ‘l’ in “cancelled” whereas American English only uses one “l” (traveling, canceled). 
  • British English uses -ise, while American English uses -ize (e.g., organise → organize).

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2. Vocabulary Differences

British English and American English have different words for the same things. This confuses the learners who jump between them a lot.

Common Vocabulary Differences

British English American English
Flat Apartment
Lift Elevator
Holiday Vacation
Queue Line
Rubbish Trash / Garbage
Biscuit Cookie
Sweets Candy
Petrol Gasoline / Gas
Underground Subway
Toilet Restroom / Bathroom
Post Mail
Postbox Mailbox
Car park Parking lot
Football Soccer
Autumn Fall
Chips French fries
Zebra crossing Crosswalk
Dustbin Trash can / Garbage can

Why does this happen?

British English evolved and was flavored with Germanic/Latin/French origins; American English developed simple, direct words inspired by diverseEuropean immigrants having to live and work together. Over time, different regions adopted different vocabulary based on cultural changes.

3. Pronunciation Differences

British and American English pronunciation is yet another point of contention. These differences can be seen in:

  • The letter "R":
    • In American English, the “R” sound is noted in all its glory in words like car, hard, and mother (this is called rhotic pronunciation).
    • In British English, for example, the "R" sound is softer, or even silent, unless it is before a vowel (this is an example of non-rhotic pronunciation). For instance, in British English car may be pronounced as cah.
  • The letter "T":
    • In American English, the hard “T” sound often becomes a slight “D” in casual speech For example: butter (sounds like “budder)
    • In British English, "T" is usually pronounced more crisply. Example: butter sounds like "buht-ter".
  • Vowel sounds:
    • In British English, words such as “dance” and “bath” feature a prolonged “ah” sound (e.g., dah-nce, bah-th).
    • In American English, these words are pronounced with ash, as in dance, bath like in cat.

Examples of Pronunciation Differences

Word British Pronunciation American Pronunciation
Tomato Toe-mah-toe Toe-may-toe
Schedule Shed-yool Sked-jool
Advertisement Ad-VER-tis-ment Ad-ver-TIZE-ment
Vitamin VIT-a-min VYE-ta-min
Route Root Rowt
Leisure Lezh-uh Lee-zher
Garage GARR-ij Guh-RAHZH
Herb Herb (with 'h' sound) Erb (silent 'h')
Fillet Fil-AY FIL-it
Mobile MO-bAYle (rhymes with 'smile') MO-bil

Be mindful of these pronunciation differences, particularly while traveling, or if you're planning on having a conversation with someone who speaks English in another country.

4. Grammar Differences

British and American English also have some grammatical differences, for instance, in verb tenses, prepositions, and collective nouns. This is especially important in business and academic writing.

Verb Tenses

In British English, people use the present perfect tense (have + past participle), but the simple past is often preferred in American English.


  • British English: "I have just eaten."
  • American English: "I just ate."


Some phrases may use different prepositions depending on whether British or American English is being used.

British English American English
At the weekend On the weekend
In hospital In the hospital
Different to Different from
Live in a street Live on a street
Monday to Friday Monday through Friday
Write to someone Write someone
Fill in a form Fill out a form
Meet someone at the weekend Meet someone on the weekend
In future In the future
Stay at home Stay home

Collective Nouns

  • In British English, collective nouns may use a singular or plural verb (e.g., "The team are winning."). 
  • In American English, collective nouns are generally considered singular, (as in “The team is winning.”).

5. Which One Should You Learn?

As a learner, you might wonder which English version you should study. The answer depends on your writing goals: 

  • If you intend to study or get a job in the UK, Europe, or Australia, it makes sense to use British English. 
  • If you’re moving to the US or working with American companies, you must concentrate on American English. 
  • If you’re studying English for international communication, it’s wise to grasp the different versions and be flexible. 

Luckily, nearly all English speakers know both versions, at least if they speak only one in their daily routine.